In 2018, the third year of implementing the Resolution of the 12th National Congress of the Party, is the year when Party committees thoroughly grasp, implement and implement the Resolution of the 6th, 7th, 8th Conferences of the 12th Party Central Committee. The Party Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross has successfully completed the assigned tasks.
The Party Committee in coordination with the Standing Board of the Vietnam Red Cross amended and supplemented the Regulation on coordination of activities between the Party Committee and Standing Board of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs in order to improve operational efficiency and quality of the Party enhancement and carry out political tasks of the Red Cross. Party Committee comments on strengthening organizational structure, giving opinions on staff appointment, mobilizing personnels; to comment on salary increments for staff and employees subject to the cost norms of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs; commenting on cost norms for 2018; comment and evaluate party members in the area of supplementing the planning, planning the positions of the President and Vice Presidents of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs for the 2017-2022 term and the term of 2022 – 2027.
The Conference of the Party Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs in 2018
The outstanding result is that the Party Committee advised to organize many great events and movements of the Red Cross Association such as: Summarizing the 20 years of the movement “Tet for the poor and Agent Orange victims” (1999-2018). Directing the 2018 Tet movement to achieve 2.77 million gifts worth over VND 1,285 billion, the highest figure awarded by the State President with the Second Class Labor Medal, the Prime Minister sent a compliment letter. Summarizing the program on coordination in humanitarian medical examination and treatment and community health care in the period of 2014 – 2017, 13,449 medical examinations were organized, giving free medicine to 6,041,923 turns of people, with a total value of medicines worths VND 552 billion. Organized 11,362 health counseling sessions for nearly 3 million people; mobilizing more than 3.1 million gifts for extremely difficult people, worths more than VND 448 billion; Summarizing 10 years of implementing voluntary blood donation in the period of 2008 – 2017 and implementing tasks in the period of 2018-2022, receiving over 9.2 million blood units, converting nearly 10.2 million units of blood, The rate of voluntary blood donation is 98%, the rate of blood donation is 1.57%, meeting 75% of the blood demand for emergency care and treatment of patients. In 2018, the performance of the entire Vietnam Red Cross reached VND 4,420 billion (up VND 600 billion compared to 2017), assisting over 20.6 million turns of disadvantaged people.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu awarded the 30-year-old Party Badge to Mr. Dang Minh Tien, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs
In 2019, the Party Committee coordinated with the Standing Board of the Vietnam Red Cross HQs to lead and direct the implementation of key tasks: Organizing the movement “Tet for the poor and Agent Orange victims” Piggy Year 2019 ; Summarizing the 10 years of implementation of the Campaign “Each organization and individual is associated with a humanitarian address”; carry out campaigns and events on blood donation and donation of humanitarian organs; activities to honor typical voluntary blood donors, health care, first aid, disaster prevention and response. Building and implementing “Humanitarian Month” and “Power of Humanity” Program; Building “Humanitarian Addresses Bank”; Continue to advocate for policies, in which priority is given to advocacy related to resource mobilization and staff policy.
Trần Phổ Thế
Translated by Nguyen Vinh Hoa